exorad.models.signal module

class CountsPerSeconds(wl_grid, data, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]

Bases: CustomSignal

It’s a Signal class with data having units of [ct/s]

class constructor

  • wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes

  • data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes

  • time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes

class CustomSignal(wl_grid, data, data_unit, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]

Bases: Signal

It’s a Signal class with data having units custom units

class constructor

  • wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes

  • data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes

  • time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes

class Radiance(wl_grid, data, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]

Bases: CustomSignal

It’s a Signal class with data having units of [W m^-2 mu^-1 sr^-1]

class constructor

  • wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes

  • data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes

  • time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes

class Sed(wl_grid, data, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]

Bases: CustomSignal

It’s a Signal class with data having units of [W m^-2 mu^-1]

class constructor

  • wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes

  • data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes

  • time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes

class Signal(wl_grid, data, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]

Bases: Logger

Signal class is the main class for every wavelength and time dependent object. By default it assume wavelength in um, data dimensionless and time in hours.

  • wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes

  • data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes

  • time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes

  • wl_grid (quantity(um)) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes

  • data (quantity(dimensionless)) – data table. Can have 2 axes

  • time_grid (quantity(hr)) – time grid. Must have a single axes

  • time_dependent (bool) – it tells if the signal is time dependent (True) or not (False)


>>> import numpy as np
>>> wl = np.linspace(0.1,1, 10)*u.um
>>> data = np.random.random_sample((10,10))
>>> time = np.linspace(1,5, 10)*u.hr
>>> signal = Signal(wl_grid=wl, data=data, time_grid=time)

class constructor

  • wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes

  • data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes

  • time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes

check_quantities(quantity, units)[source]

It assures that the input data has the desired units, if not it converts the data. If the data are dimensionless it assumes that are reported with the correct units.

  • quantity (quantity)

  • units (units or string)

Return type:



UnitConversionError – if it cannot convert the original units into the desired ones


Assures that the class attributes (wl_grid, data and time_grid) have the correct dimensions


ValueError – if there is a dimension mismatch

plot(fig=None, ax=None, yscale=None, xscale=None, label=None)[source]

plots the signal and return figure and axis or add the plot to an existing figure and axis


rebins the signal to the new wavelength grid


rebins the signal to the new time grid

property time_dependent

It tells if the Signal is time dependent :returns: True if Signal is time dependent. :rtype: bool


Converts the Signal class into standard python dict.