exorad.models.signal module
- class CountsPerSeconds(wl_grid, data, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]
It’s a Signal class with data having units of [ct/s]
class constructor
- Parameters:
wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes
data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes
time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes
- class CustomSignal(wl_grid, data, data_unit, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]
It’s a Signal class with data having units custom units
class constructor
- Parameters:
wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes
data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes
time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes
- class Radiance(wl_grid, data, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]
It’s a Signal class with data having units of [W m^-2 mu^-1 sr^-1]
class constructor
- Parameters:
wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes
data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes
time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes
- class Sed(wl_grid, data, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]
It’s a Signal class with data having units of [W m^-2 mu^-1]
class constructor
- Parameters:
wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes
data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes
time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes
- class Signal(wl_grid, data, time_grid=<Quantity [0.] h>)[source]
Signal class is the main class for every wavelength and time dependent object. By default it assume wavelength in um, data dimensionless and time in hours.
- Parameters:
wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes
data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes
time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes
- Variables:
wl_grid (quantity(um)) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes
data (quantity(dimensionless)) – data table. Can have 2 axes
time_grid (quantity(hr)) – time grid. Must have a single axes
time_dependent (bool) – it tells if the signal is time dependent (True) or not (False)
>>> import numpy as np >>> wl = np.linspace(0.1,1, 10)*u.um >>> data = np.random.random_sample((10,10)) >>> time = np.linspace(1,5, 10)*u.hr >>> signal = Signal(wl_grid=wl, data=data, time_grid=time)
class constructor
- Parameters:
wl_grid (quantity) – wavelength grid. Must have a single axes
data (array) – data table. Can have 2 axes
time_grid (quantity (optional)) – time grid. Must have a single axes
- check_quantities(quantity, units)[source]
It assures that the input data has the desired units, if not it converts the data. If the data are dimensionless it assumes that are reported with the correct units.
- Parameters:
quantity (quantity)
units (units or string)
- Return type:
- Raises:
UnitConversionError – if it cannot convert the original units into the desired ones
- check_sizes()[source]
Assures that the class attributes (wl_grid, data and time_grid) have the correct dimensions
- Raises:
ValueError – if there is a dimension mismatch
- plot(fig=None, ax=None, yscale=None, xscale=None, label=None)[source]
plots the signal and return figure and axis or add the plot to an existing figure and axis
- property time_dependent
It tells if the Signal is time dependent :returns: True if Signal is time dependent. :rtype: bool